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[VIDEO] Tasty Bacon Bomb In The Making

Other Similar Bacon Bomb Recipes


Bacon Bomb

1lb of Ground Beef

1lb of Ground Spicy Sausage

Chopped Onion

Chopped Jalapeno

Cream Cheese

Chopped Red Bell Pepper


Remove the bacon from its package and weave the bacon together on a large surface. This will take a little time but take your time and do this part right, you wont regret it.

Next, get a mixing bowl and mix all the meat , jalapeno, bell peppers, cream cheese and onions together, add a little salt and pepper and place it in the middle of the weaved bacon.

Its time for the fun bit!! with your hands, form the bacon into a log shape. Stay several inches away from each edge.

At this point, begin to roll the near side of bacon up on top. Then roll the complete bacon bomb over. Take your time with this and get all the edges tucked underneath. At this point, I cut the bomb in half and made two smaller bacon bombs. I vacu-sealed one and froze it and then cooked the other.

Place your bomb upon a broiler pan and pop it in the oven at 275 degrees for 1 hour. I always check mine with a thermometer to make sure it atleast hits 160 degrees.  Remove your bacon bomb and let rest 10 minutes.

Serve and enjoy! be sure the chef gets first bites as this will be devoured by all and will be perfectly washed down with your favorite beer!