[VIDEO] A Better Way To Grill Corn on The Cob

How To Grill Corn On The Cob
This is one of the better video on grilling corn on the cob. Clear instructions and explanations. Easy to follow. You won’t go wrong.
This is nature. The husks protect the corn from getting dried out and the corn essentially steams in its own moisture while getting infused with smoky flavor from the charring corn husks.
Some techniques also have you pull back the husks, take out the silks, and then put the husks back over the corn before grilling. It does make it easier after the corn is done when removing the husks. But the corn more easily dries out this way, and the best way for juicy grilled corn is to not mess with the husks.
DO NOT REMOVE HUSKS. Do remove the silk. Soak in water for 20 minutes. Remove from water and pull down husks carefully — DO NOT REMOVE — Coat with herbal butter (made from adding your favorite fresh herbs to softened butter). Put the husks back up covering the corn and tie with a thin piece of husk at the top. Place on grill for about 15 minutes, turning
Source: BBQTalk