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Pork Roast Crispy Skin Recipe

Pork Roast Crispy Skin Recipe

Porchetta cut of pork 4kg
Thyme – 1/2 cup fine chopped
Rosemary – 1/2 cup fine chopped
Sage – 1/2 cup fine chopped
Lemon zest – 2 lemons
Salt – 1/4 cup
Black Pepper 1/8 cup
Vennel powder 3 tablespoons
Garlic – 8 cloves

How To:
05h10m – Chop all the fresh ingredients and zest the lemon
05h00m – Cut the skin and butterfly the pork mid section
04h50m – Stuff the pork mid section with the spices and wrap it in the skin. Sow the pork skin up
04h40m – Start up your barbecue and set it to indirect heat 150C / 300F
04h10m – Place the porchetta in the spit and on the barbecue let it cook for 3 hours
01h10m – Turn on the back burner, low heat. let it rotate for another hour while cleaning up the skin
00h10m – Let the prochetta rest for at least 10 minutes
00h00m – Enjoy the feast!!!!!

Source: Pitmaster X