How To Smoke Brisket

“Excellent! You are an honorary Texan! One thing I learned from Aaron Franklin videos is to put a water pan next to the fire. Then you don’t need to keep spritzing the meat, because if yer lookin’ yer not cookin’. I also have a Costco 12 pound prime brisket in the fridge aging. It is a dollar more per pound than the choice. I like to dry brine the night before to make sure the salt penetrates and tenderizes. Franklin also wraps with the butcher paper like you, so maybe I’ll try that instead of the foil. I am using a New Braunfels offset smoker, similar to yours. But I don’t have the patience to keep it on the fire that long, so I move it to the oven to finish after about 5 hours of smoking. Also I use a Maverick talking thermometer, so I don’t need to open the cover to take a reading. ” – Jazz King