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How To Make The McRib Sandwich

Using the large die on my meat grinder I ground pork shoulder, which is the meat that McDonald’s uses.

Once I had the grind, I added the four major ingredients:
Rosemary extract (homemade)

To make the rosemary extract, I simply boiled three sprigs of rosemary in two cups of water, until it reduced to one cup. I allowed this to cool and poured it into a spray bottle.

To form the patty I made a wooden rib mold, which was vacuum sealed and placed in the freezer.

McDonald’s flash freezes the patty during production, which was the main reason I’m certain there is no meat glue. Transgutaminase will not work under a deep freeze.

The patty was seared on my flattop and then placed in a small pot of BBQ sauce heated to 150ºF.

I used a blend of store bought sauce. 3 parts Sweet Baby Rays and 1 part Bullseye Barbecue sauce.

Obviously, it is not necessary to make a mold to recreate you own McRib. You could get similar results by simply shaping the patty by hand.

Source: Ballistic BBQ