Country Style Ribs

Country Style Ribs
After 30 minutes, the rub has draw out a little moisture from the ribs; and to allow some of the seasoning to penetrate into the country style ribs.
First the country style ribs get smoked for 1 ½ hours. Half way through this process give each country style ribs a flip to ensure even cooking. You can check the internal temperature in the country style ribs at the 1:15 minute mark. When the ribs hits 150 degrees, that’s about all the smoke these country style ribs need.
Now you braise these country style ribs iIn a small aluminum pan pour ½ cup of pineapple juice and mix in The BBQ Sauce. Cover the pan with foil and place it back on the smoker.
Let the country ribs cook for another hour and check the tenderness and internal of around 195 degrees.