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BBQ Beef Ribs (Texas Cut)

First prep your ribs. You will notice a very thick membrane on the back of the rack… There are actually two membranes. I stick the tip of a butter knife up under that thicker membrane and peel it off using a paper towel, like you would with pork ribs.

For this cook I mixed up one pint of toasted porter beer with 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce. I used this as a binder for my rub and to spritz the ribs as they cooked.

I applied some of this mixture to both sides of the racks and applied the rub. Let the rub “sweat” while you get your pit ready.

I preheated my cooker to 250ºF, using hickory pellets. After about an hour or so, check the ribs to see if they’re looking dry. After about four hours I checked the ribs for tenderness. Once they were “probe tender” I basted them with a savory BBQ sauce. I let them cook an additional 20 minutes.

Beef back ribs come from the Prime Rib Roast! There is really NO REASON to wrap them during your cook! They have great marbling and it is tender high quality meat. Just keep them moist and let them cook!

Source: Ballistic BBQ