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[VIDEO] Stuff Pork Tenderloin

Bacon Wrapped Stuff BBQ Pork Tenderloin

The Short of this video recipe:

* Pork tenderloin
* Chipolte sausage
* Old or sharp cheese
* Bacon

Smoke for about half an hour at 180 degrees celcius or 350 degrees Fahrenheit, until the core reaches 68 degrees Celcius or 154 degrees Fahrenheit.

This recipe can be further improved and modified but the idea is there.  now go explore.

Source: Pitmaster X

The Boys at BBQ Pit offers a delicious BBQ Pork Roast in gigantic proportions

And they even gave it a name: The easy to grill Pork Butt recipe pure Pork Porn.  Enjoy!

Source: BarbecueWeb