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[VIDEO] BBQ Ribs For The Crowd

1-2-3 Method on How to Barbecue Ribs

One of the easiest recipe online to make tender, slow-cooked pork ribs on the BBQ grill.

Tangy, moist, and smokey, there’s nothing more satisfying than succulent, slow-cooked barbecued ribs fresh from the grill.

In this video, it shows the basic steps to prepare, trim fat and cartilage and the rest of the rib before hitting the grill.  The rub is purely up to your discretion when you have the experience.  Otherwise, follow it to a T.  It also show a simple way to make perfect caramelized barbecued ribs on either a gas or charcoal grill.

Notice how fast to quickly pull away the thin white membrane from the ribs.

Method is applicable to baby back, country, and spare ribs.  All it takes is three steps.  Wait also for the revelation of the secrets to prepping your ribs with a simple, tasty dry rub.

The video runs through the basics of indirect heat grilling and reveals the “doneness clues” for perfectly cooked ribs, and show you the right time to add the sauce.

Source: Allrecipes