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The Best Rotisserie Chicken Is Sold by Who?

Which Grocery Store Has The Best Rotisserie Chicken?

Most of the time we go to stores to purchase Rotisserie chickens only to find them below our expectations and even wonder why border to buy from the stores in the first place.

The boys from BuzzFeedVideo spent some time in the local stores to help determine which grocery store sells the best rotisserie chicken.

Some of the criteria they used are freshness (date stamp), skin crispiness, meat tenderness (light meat and dark meat) and, of course, the “flick’ test.

Check out some hilarious moments at 2:22″ (Chicken Sperms), 2.34″ (ChickenRAP & ChickenFACT), 3:28″ (Cannibal Chickens), 4:20” (Chicken Breast), and more.

Source: BuzzFeedVideo