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Rusty Smoker

Neglected Rusty Pit

A lot of folks don’t know or think to “maintain” their outdoor cooking equipment. Or, they put it off for another time. It is to show you that you have to take care of your cooker the same as your home, car, boat, motorcycle, etc. If you don’t, you will have problems with the product functioning efficiently and costs to repair can be great.

Don’t change the oil in the motor and it will break down. Your cooker is no different. Keep your cooker regularly cleaned out. Especially, ash. It is acidic. Cancer to a cooker’s firebox, especially. Keep moving parts lubricated. Touch up paint periodically. A good thorough cleaning inside and out two – three times a year will add life to your cooker.

The owner of this cooker ended up buying new. Yes, we may have been able to “temporarily” give it life. But, the metal under the food chamber was rusted thin.

Source: Gator Pit