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Mexican Style Grilled Corn on the Cob

Mexican Style Grilled Corn on the Cob

Hi, nice recipe, i´m mexican, i came across this and i would like to you give 3 suggestions, all we use for this recipe is: mayo, corn and chile piquin. 1.- don´t use butter, use more mayo instead, you want the cheese to stick to the corn. 2.- use panela shredded cheese, i´m not sure if that type of cheese is available there, just use any type of fresh cheese you can grate without loosing it´s tickness, you will want A LOT of cheese and 3.- use chile piquín instead of that mixture, chipotle is not for everyone and you won´t enjoy it as much as you would enjoy chile piquin, simplicity will give you the best results in most mexican recipes, also most of the flavor comes from the way you cook it, in most cases boiled corn will taste better than the grilled one. To boil corn you will want to use a little bit of YERBANIZ, about half a cup for every 8 portions (8 pieces of corn) and 1/4 tablespoon of aniseed or anise, you will taste the difference. Good luck.” –

Source:Ballistic BBQ