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Foodporn – Chicken Burger

Beautiful Chicken Burger

Soy sauce, mozarella, dill, bacon, chicken? Hmm… sounds pretty outlandish.

This video will show you how the top quality ingredients become the most satisfying foodporn burger ever! Organic vegetables, free-range meat, amazing homemade mozzarella, incredible rose hip jam and one of the hottest peppers on the planet…Enjoy!

500g free-range chicken breast
200g homemade mozzarella cheese
200g homemade smoked bacon
2 tbsp. homemade ketchup
1 tbsp. homemade rose hip jam
1 extremely hot Serbian chili
2 garlic cloves
1 zucchini, 2-3 lettuce leaves
fresh dill, blueberry vinegar
light soy sauce, olive oil
somun bread


Source: AlmazanKitchen